Kate Bush Wuthering Heights Red Dress – Made For You – Dance Festival Dress

Kate Bush Wuthering Heights Festival Red Dress Set
Kate Bush Wuthering Heights Festival Red Dress Set

I can make you this gorgeous outfit based on my idea – just need some measurements 🙂 Please Note there is a Design Change as Red Velvet is in short supply – so the skirt will be double layer chiffon for future orders

World Wide Event – held every end of July – groups of Red Dress Adorned People Dance to Kate Bush’s famous 1978 Hit “Wuthering Heights”

If you venture over to You Tube you can see the video of her original hit as well as the popular dance she does to the song – there are also lots of videos of different Cities embracing this trend.

You can look authentic in an outfit I can create for you :). it would be such a pleasure

SEE IN STORE https://enchanted-emerald-forest-designs.com/shop/bohemian-sets-skirt-top/kate-bush-wuthering-heights-red-dress-set-velvet-chiffon-custom-made-for-you/

Any Questions Just message Lynn at

enchantedemeraldforest@gmail.com (copy & paste)